Thursday, December 10, 2009


The famous music composer, Handel, said he had seen the face of God while composing his work Messiah. After hearing highlights of this concert in downtown Houston the other evening, I have no doubt he did see a vision. Performed for the first time in Dublin, Ireland in 1742, I was inspired and amazed by it almost 300 years after its debut. I am as sure as anything that Handel was inspired by God.

A writer needs inspiration. Whether monetary or not, inspiration is necessary to compose a writing worth a reader's time. Lately I've failed as a practicing writer in that to write well I've been told by many an individual, write daily. I have indulged in my thoughts rather than to put them out into infinite space. So if my writing is less than desirable, I know who to blame.

What does it mean to be inspired by God, or much less inspired? I'm not always inspired to take care of my household which includes providing lunch for my husband so we can save money because eating out quickly drains the bank account. Some mornings I don't feel like making his lunch. So in the past, I haven't. But lately I've channeled my guilt into action. Part of growing up and being responsible is not waiting for inspiration, rather doing what you know you should be doing.

In Handel's case however it's different. He spent 24 painstaking sleepless night and days to creative this wonderful masterpiece that includes the better known "Hallelujah". Listen here

He was committed to provide the world a look and listen into what he experienced in his mind and heart. If only more of us bent on good could share it with the world. CNN and other new agencies constantly remind us that many individuals work hard to share their heart's darkest plots to destroy and harm others. Inspiration comes in many forms and the force proves not always a positive one.

Whatever inspiration you may be looking for, waiting for, relying on someone else to make you feel, I encourage you to stop and 'just do it' as Nike says. Do it and inspiration is bound to follow.

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